Theory of Change – Our Impact map

Scale of Problem:
Approximately 50,000 University students drop out each year (more than one in five of each enrolment cohort), with disadvantaged and mature age students making up a majority of that number
- Pre COVID-19, the average attrition rate was approx. 15% (adjusted attrition), with regional Universities up to 25%. In other words, up to 25% of students drop out before the end of their first year.
- For mature age, part time students this is even higher with only 30% graduating within 10 years of starting (in 2018 these students consisted of around 40% of all enrolments).
- Cost to the student (average) $12,000 + lost potential income
- Value of lost student to University (estimated) $20,000-$30,000 (per student)

If we.. take a innovative, evidence/research based, whole-of-life approach to teaching students how to be self-regulated,confident and effective learners. Accessible 24/7 online, anywhere.
By… Partnering with Institutions to deliver an Online self paced Learn2Learn personal development and learning strategies course drip fed over 6 week period, in conjunction with peer mentoring
Resulting in…
- Pro-active learning skills and behaviours developed.
- Increased student-peer-institution connection.
- Improved retention and confidence.
And eventually..
- Increased learner mindset, strategies and self-efficacy (23%, 26% and 32% reported respectively in 2019 research).
- Improvements in mental well-being, study supportive life-changes, retention of knowledge (2019 research).
- Students have enhanced understanding of their own brains and how they can best manage their own learning.
- Increased graduation rates.
We expect to see over time…
- Greater resilience and persistence in learning.
- Increased likelihood of family members undertaking higher education.
- Increased earning potential.
- Increased employability.