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Case Studies from 2019 Research project

Case Studies from 2019 Research project

In Term2, 2019 we partnered with CQUniversity to run a research project to evaluate the impact of Learn2Learn on 3 key target areas: Mindset (growth or learner); Study Strategies (awareness and use of); and Confidence / Self-Efficacy. The results of this research were...

COVID 19 and the urgent shift to online learning

COVID 19 and the urgent shift to online learning

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Storytelling for success.

Storytelling for success.

Why is storytelling so important? Stories are everywhere… so much so that we don’t even notice them most of the time. They share insights; they influence our buying behaviour; they influence what we believe, think and do - about ourselves and others. A father said to...

Do you know who your high risk students are?

Do you know who your high risk students are?

How are you making sure that you are providing the right support for the right people? When a new student enrolls, what information do you collect - and is it collected consistently? What about the information which comes under "self disclosing". In conversations...

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Rockhampton, Queensland


Tel: +614 07 105408


“I needed to <make some significant changes in my life>…I would not have found the courage to do this without the help of the Learn2Learn programme…in learning about boundaries and strategies and goal setting. Writing why I wanted to study, goals, motivation really did fire up my courage to reach our for help to change things so I could study effectively and realise my dreams for a great life”

Student 1 (research project)

“I have severe ADHD…all the dysfunction that comes with ADHD is creating chaos, though information I did access from the program did help.”

Student 9 (research project)

After completing my first semester and being awarded a supplementary exam for one of my units, I heavily, and negatively reflected on how i got this, naively thinking I was just going to cruise through university. this broke me. I cried for days, wondering why this have happened….I look <at> Learn2Learn as a big opportunity to redeem not just my study regime but my mental health. Learn2Learn makes my brain stop and reflect.

Student 7 (research project)

Thoroughly enjoyed the content. Lots of fantastic information. I particularly enjoyed the module on resilience.

The online platform is easy to navigate. I wish Moodle units were this easy.

I wish I had this in my first year.

James W (Learn2Learn Mentor)

“I just wanted to say it also gave me confidence… term one I failed Chemistry…I really beat myself up over it…I think it just gave me the confidence to go, you’ve got the option to drop a subject…and focus on Chemistry.  And I did. Believe or not, I exceeded by 20% on my supplementary exam. Without going through this program, I probably wouldn’t have done that.”

Student 7 (research project)

“The program really helped me go, okay I do need to get a schedule, and I do need to do things, sit down and do them properly, and learning how to do that was amazing…. I found that I retained stuff. Going into this term previously… [I’d be] ‘what did I do last semester?’ Now I’ve come to Term 3 and I can still apply the knowledge I’ve learned from Term 2 because I actually went through and did it properly.”

Student 3 (research project)

I found the Learn2Learn program truly empowering and inspiring. I really resonated with Tanya’s engaging style and now feel that I am able to take charge of my own learning and truly succeed. As a qualified trainer I’d highly recommend this course to anyone ready to take charge of their learning and succeed, and it’s not often I’m able to say this about a course!

Sam A.